Saturday, July 2, 2011

dear baby, how you came to be.

Dear Baby,

I figured you might want to know how you came to be one day, so I decided to start writing it all down for you.  Well....I mean....I'm not planning on telling you exactly how you came to be, because that's not a conversation I want to have until you're at least five, but I wanted you to know how we got to this point of deciding to become your parents.

In November of 2010 your dad and I had been married for almost 3 years and decided that while we loved your little fur sibling Marley we were kind of ready for a real-live human baby.  We waited and waited....

Then, six months later you finally showed up!

It was kind of strange, but I just knew I was pregnant.  I woke up one morning and took a Dollar Tree pregnancy test and when that second little pink line appeared I went to go tell your dad.  I had always thought I might tell him I was pregnant in a cute and creative way, but I was just too excited for that.  The conversation went a little something like this:

Me:  "Ummmm....I just took this test and I think it says I'm pregnant.  I can't really tell though.  It's hard to read."

Dad:  (previously in a gape-mouthed sleep pops straight up off of his pillow and out of his dreamy state) "Well...I'm awake now!"

Me:  "What does it say?"

Dad:  (carefully inspects the directions on the box)  I think that means we're pregnant.

Me:  "Really?  Like, really pregnant?"

Dad:  "Yeah."

From that moment on we knew that our lives would be forever changed and we couldn't be more excited about this.


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