Sunday, October 30, 2011

dear fern, you're becoming a wiggle worm.

Dear Fern,

You are becoming quite the wiggle worm.  In the past two weeks you've started moving like crazy....well, like crazy for you anyway.  You haven't been a big mover or shaker until now.  It's nice knowing your A-OK in your cozy camping spot.  You even got the hiccups.  It made my whole belly shake.  It happened while your dad and I were up in Canada for a marriage retreat at Barnabas.  I like to think you were just really fond of the "Barna-buns" I was eating :).  In reality, I read that it's because you're practicing breathing/swallowing with the amniotic fluid which leads to hiccups.

My belly is getting bigger by the day, which means you are growing and we are happy about that!  Here's a photo of dad and I at Barnabas...our last vacation without you as part of our family.  We can't wait to take you there one day.  You're going to love swimming and eating ice cream from the General Store!


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