Sunday, December 18, 2011

dear fern, this is getting real.

Dear Fern,

Today marks 31 more days until your "guess date"!  I can't believe you'll be here so soon - just one more month!

I wonder if you'll be early or late?  I guess we'll see soon enough.  All I know is that your dad and I are beyond thrilled to finally meet you and see your little face and actually hold you!  We're so excited!


dear fern, what will you be when you grow up?

Dear Fern,

This weekend you went to your first play.  It was a musical and I think you really liked it.

You generally aren't much of a mover and shaker, but during the play, you were going crazy!  You got especially wiggly during the tap dancing parts.  I told your dad that maybe you'll be a thespian or a dancer one day :).  Whatever you become, we can't wait to watch and see you grow!
