Monday, January 9, 2012

dear fern, it's almost your "birth"day!

Dear Fern,

Today a couple of my preschool students made you a "birth"day crown, because as one little boy put it:

"On the day she hatches out of you it will be her birthday!"

He also said,

"When she comes out we should all say 'SURPRISE!' and then you can put her birthday crown on her!"

We can't wait to share your "birth"day with you!


Sunday, January 8, 2012

dear fern, you had your first photo shoot.

Dear Fern,

This weekend I had maternity photos taken to document my massive belly, which means it was your very first photo shoot!  I'm hoping you'll enjoy looking back on these and seeing just how much I love you and just how giant I got just for you :).

Love you Ferny!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

dear fern, you've got anxious fans.

Dear Fern,

Everyone is so excited to meet you...especially my little preschoolers at work.  There is a little boy named Nolan who is particularly interested in your arrival.  I wonder if you would recognize his voice when you arrive - he's pretty loud and boisterous, so you've definitely heard lots from him over these past months.  The other day we had a little conversation about you....

Nolan:  " come your baby is taking so long to get hatched out of your belly?"

Me:  "I don't know buddy.  Why don't you ask her."

Nolan:  (proceeds to tap on my belly) "Fern!  Hurry up and come out!"

You already have plenty of anxious fans awaiting your arrival :).


dear fern, just a little update and a big belly.

Dear Fern,

You seem to be quite cozy in your nesting spot in my belly, but things are getting super tight in there and it's hard to believe that my belly could possibly stretch anymore - it already feels like it's going to explode...literally.  Every time I sneeze or couch it hurts.  Not cool.  

This is what my belly looked like just the other day.  The photo really doesn't do it justice, but tomorrow I'll be going to get maternity photos taken with your Auntie Lisa so that one day you can appreciate just how ginormous I got for you.  I'm starting to get stretch marks, which I'm a little sad about, but I promise I'll try not to lord it over you when you're older and remind you of all that I went through for you...although it may be difficult :).

I had a terrible stomach flu this past Friday and went to the birthing center to check up on you.  Luckily you were A-OK, but having the stomach flu when you're 37 weeks pregnant is not the greatest.  You've pushed my stomach up into my lungs and it feels so strange...weirdest stomach flu ever.  It only lasted 24 hours though, which was the good news and I guess I can't complain all that much since I did go an entire 37 weeks without throwing up, which is a lot more than most mamas can say.

Love you lots.


dear fern, you've got your own playlist.

Dear Fern,

In the spirit of getting ready for your arrival, I decided to make a birthing playlist.  Part One is upbeat and Part Two is for Relaxation.  I'm rather partial to Part Two, but we can listen to whatever you prefer :).

Birth Mix: Upbeat by Lauren on Grooveshark

I hope you don't mind ODB...sometimes you just have to have some goofy music to lighten the mood.  I can't wait 'til you're big enough for us to have dance parties.  I'll introduce you to all sorts of silly dance moves...since they're really the only ones your dad and I know.  Can't wait to meet you!
